πŸͺ™Tokenomics $DSAI

Token Name: DeSend AI

CA: 0xB27782Fdb56352A684686A852374eF20910457e2

Blockchain: Ethereum

Total Supply: 100,000,000

Initial Circulating Supply: 100,000,000 $DSAI

No Team Tokens

Initial Liquidity: 4 ETH

Taxes: 5% - buys & sell

  • 1% β€” Marketing: Will be used for visibility, reach, and acquisition of new users.

  • 1% β€” Pool Sharing: Will be accumulated with other revenues for sharing with participating insurers.

  • 3% β€” Team, Development and Expansion: Will be used for buybacks, addition to the liquidity pool, platform maintenance, development of new features, and the team.

Last updated